
Joseph Rothschild is an artisanal maker of unique rustic wood products using ethically sourced, sustainable rescued branches and logs. Joseph sources the raw materials of logs, branches and trees from local Melbourne suburbia. Using trees that have been cut down for a variety of reasons. Rather than the wood going to firewood or being chipped he turns it into something beautiful and functional. Salvaging rustic tree wood and repurposing it.

Proudly supplying private people, caterers, bakers, carpenters, DIY enthusiasts, craft enthusiasts, schools, kindergartens, Event managers, function halls, and florists.
Products ranging from log lamps and chopping boards to branch pen holders and cake bases and wood slices.
We appreciate real things. Authentic things. Genuine products. Not a veneer. Not a replica or an imitation mass manufactured without personality. We love real things.
We have noticed that each piece of tree is very real and has its own singular song written through the grain. The tree rings flow out from the centre of the trunk heart in a symphony of creative majesty not unlike a time capsule with a story to tell. All you have to do is listen.
When we see a slice of log we see pure natural beauty.
Although creative divine wisdom is inherent in every aspect of creation, our mission at real wood is to reveal the magnificence of natural rustic real wood.